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How to Make Orange County Student Housing Feel Like Home

a college bedroom with a desk, television, chair, and various rental furniture

College is one of the best life experiences because it allows you to grow and mature in a short period of time. It can also be very nerve-racking to live on your own, especially if you’ve never had roommates before. On top of all the pressure to prepare for school, you may also have to find Orange County furniture rental options if your place isn’t already furnished. Trust us, the more you feel at home in student housing, the easier it is to relax after getting home from school. Today, we will go over ways you can make your student housing in Orange County, California feel like home.

Find the Best Beaches Near Your Housing

Orange Counties beaches are considered to be some of the top beaches in the world. No matter where you live in Orange County, you can get to a beach pretty quickly. Take advantage of the opportunity because not all colleges have such easy access to beaches. Try to locate the best beaches near your student housing and ask your classmates and roommates for recommendations.

Don’t Buy Furniture. Rent it!

Buying furniture is a waste of money for anyone living in student housing. Even if you have the means to buy your own furniture, opting for furniture rental in Orange County is the best way to go. First, you don’t have to search for hours to pick furniture pieces that fit your budget; second, all the rental furniture will be delivered and moved for you. Renting furniture is a hassle-free option for college students because they only have to pay for it for as long as they are living in student housing. Even if they are only attending for one semester, all they have to do is call to get the furniture rentals moved for them.

Keep Your Spaces Clean and Organized

Having clean and organized spaces will dramatically improve the livability of your student housing. It’s easy to neglect your place when life gets busy, but maintaining the cleanliness of your bedroom and living space will help you feel more at home. Remember that less is more. The less stuff you have, the easier it will be to keep your space clean.

Stick to the essentials and avoid any unnecessary clutter, especially if you have a desk in your bedroom. Drawers and shelves can go a long way to keep your desk organized and tidy, giving you the perfect environment to sit and do your homework. Utilize all the wall space you can, and consider attaching a magnet board above your desk. This will make it quick and easy to locate all your important papers and assignments.

Make Friends in Your Area

Finding new friends at college is not easy, even for outgoing people. It can be quite intimidating attending college without someone there by your side. Don’t worry, it is not impossible to make friends. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  1. Campus Events: There are a variety of college events you can attend, especially during homecoming week. Get up the courage to go to an event, then don’t be afraid to get to know people while you’re there. Many of those students will probably feel as nervous as you are, and you never know who may end up becoming your next best friend.
  2. Classes: This is an obvious one; however, it may take a couple of weeks before you can find good friends in your classes. Switch up your seat (unless your teacher has assigned seating), so you can scope out the room and get acquainted with different people in each class.
  3. Campus Organizations: Whether it’s an intramural sport, a social cause, a musical pursuit, or a career aspiration, there is probably a club for it at your school. Joining a club and attending their events is a great way to make new friends who have mutual interests.

Set Boundaries with Roommates

Setting boundaries is absolutely necessary when living with roommates. A person with healthy boundaries knows that this practice establishes expectations with the other party. Break the ice and get things out in the open with each other as soon as possible. The last thing you need is to feel stressed because you have roommate issues, so have that conversation and establish boundaries with them at the beginning of the semester.


Living in student housing can be a fun experience, even though it might seem daunting at first. Student housing gives you opportunities to interact with others on a daily basis, so enjoy your time and try to make your place feel like home. If you know your student housing is not furnished, call Express Furniture Rental today. We are the top furniture rental provider in Orange County, and we look forward to serving you.

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